case study

Plumbers Supply Company, Inc.

Before Swipesum, Plumbers Supply’s main concern was lowering their B2B interchange fees. They additionally had issues with chargebacks, they processed ACH under a separate provider, were being charged non-compliance fees, and had very little customer support. The company was using standalone terminals and pin pads that were not integrated with their current ERP Mark Information Systems. 

Plumbers Supply
Interchange Optimization
Over $10,000 saved annually

Plumbers Supply Company, Inc.

Before Swipesum, Plumbers Supply’s main concern was lowering their B2B interchange fees. They additionally had issues with chargebacks, they processed ACH under a separate provider, were being charged non-compliance fees, and had very little customer support. Plumbers Supply was using standalone terminals and pin pads that were not integrated with their current ERP Mark Information Systems. 

A Swipesum payments expert decided that the ideal setup for Plumbers Supply would be to consolidate all credit card processing and ACH under one roof, which helps prevent fraud, allows Plumbers Supply to easily manage invoices, and allows customers to create online portals to pay bills. Our consultant also recognized that Plumbers Supply should utilize Swipesum’s payment experts for assistance when negotiating with payments companies, as their payments billing was not transparent.

After conducting a price-comparison, Swipesum found that Plumbers Supply could save over $10,000 annually if they followed the steps outlined above. Their previous effective rate was around 2.5%, but with Swipesum’s consulting implemented into their payments processing set-up, they could lower that by more than .05%. Each month, Plumbers Supply would be saving over $1,000.

A Swipesum consultant decided that the ideal setup for Plumbers Supply would be to consolidate all credit card processing and ACH under one roof, which helps prevent fraud, allows Plumbers Supply to easily manage invoices, and allows customers to create online portals to pay bills. Swipesum also recognized that Plumbers Supply should utilize Swipesum’s payment experts for assistance when negotiating with payments companies, as their payments billing was not transparent. This ultimately saved the company $13,000 annually, and we continue to partner with Plumbers Supply to this day.


Consolidating processing and saving thousands per month


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