Signing the right credit card processing contract is a big deal for businesses large and small. Vetting a contract properly can mean the difference between growing your business and hemorrhaging money in unexpected payment processing fees each month. If you’re in the market for a new payment processing contract—or you’re a fledgling business owner about to sign your first service contract—then it’s critical to avoid the payment processing dealbreakers which can include: tiered pricing, additional service fees, length of the contract, cancellation fees, and more.
Signing the right credit card processing contract is a big deal for businesses large and small. Vetting a contract properly can mean the difference between growing your business and hemorrhaging money in unexpected payment processing fees each month. If you’re in the market for a new payment processing contract—or you’re a fledgling business owner about to sign your first service contract—then it’s critical to avoid the payment processing dealbreakers which can include: tiered pricing, additional service fees, length of the contract, cancellation fees, and more. In addition, here are 5 signs you should walk away!Or just let SwipeSum handle that for you free of charge.
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