My time in the credit card processing industry has been filled with ups and downs. And as I touched upon in an earlier blog post, I built the SwipeSum platform to address many of the issues I saw customers face in a broken industry. Our recent work with a San Diego-based CPA firm illustrates how our team is helping businesses of all types navigate the industry while saving them (and in this and many other cases, their clients) money, hassle, and time.
This post is from SwipeSum CEO Michael Seaman, a veteran of the credit card processing industry on a mission to give more power to merchants everywhere.My time in the credit card processing industry has been filled with ups and downs. And as I touched upon in an earlier blog post, I built the SwipeSum platform to address many of the issues I saw customers face in a broken industry. Our recent work with a San Diego-based CPA firm illustrates how our team is helping businesses of all types navigate the industry while saving them (and in this and many other cases, their clients) money, hassle, and time.When we first began working with the aforementioned CPA firm in San Diego, the conversation began with saving them money on processing through their merchant account. But our team identified solutions and savings beyond just that. The focus quickly turned from helping just their merchant account to seeing if we could help their clients as well.I'll be honest, and several of our team members felt the same way at first: The firm was very hesitant to refer something to their clients that would directly impact their bottom line, and they (rightly!) wanted a series of meetings and case studies.We were able to provide every piece of information they needed, but the best way to prove out our services was to run that CPA firm through the SwipeSum process where we negotiate with processors to find a better deal. Being a CPA firm, they already (honestly!) had a fair deal because of their financial savvy and scrutiny of their current contract. But we thought we could do even better.Read more below to find out how we saved this CPA firm — and their clients — tons in processing while eliminating hidden fees!
The firm gave us two statements, and were ready to debate the future offers as we met that day. SwipeSum then went to work for them.When we presented their offers, they were blown-away and joked about how any would be better than their current situation. That day they were introduced to a new provider and immediately signed. All told, it was a 2-day process — much shorter than the weeks-long slog many expect when dealing with credit card processors.Beyond the firm itself, many of their clients were getting absolutely bamboozled. The firm immediately became a SwipeSum advocate and scheduled another meeting as to how we could do the same for their clients. Now, they're a proud referrer of clients.As a business owner, it's easy to take your CPA's financial advice. The process has worked for many of their clients because the negotiation power is in a trusted set of hands for the first time.Email or speak to your local SwipeSum Team Member to find out how we can save your firm thousands in processing fees — and how you can make money by referring clients to SwipeSum! Remember, we never charge clients a dime, and our process is no-risk and no-obligation.
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