Authorize.Net Review

Authorize.Net is a payment gateway platform which provides the complex infrastructure and security necessary to ensure fast, reliable and secure transmission of transaction data. Just like a traditional card swipe machine, it manages the routing of transactions, albeit in an online setting, with no software needed for installation and implementation.


Authorize.Net’s payment gateway offers a variety of options available for its users so they can accept and process payments. Its online payment system accepts credit cards and electronic checks from websites and deposit funds automatically into your merchant bank account, saving time and money for small- to medium-sized businesses. For retail locations, users have the option to use either its Virtual Point of Sale (VPOS) solution or choose from dozens of pre-integrated, third party POS systems.


Online payment

Retail payment

Mobile payment

Mail/Phone payment

Advanced Fraud Detection Suite

Recurring billing

Customer information manager

E-check processing

Sync for Quickbooks


Online payment

Retail payment

Mobile payment

Mail/Phone payment

Advanced Fraud Detection Suite


Online payment

Retail payment

Mobile payment

Mail/Phone payment

Advanced Fraud Detection Suite

What is Authorize.Net?

Authorize.Net is a payment gateway platform which provides the complex infrastructure and security necessary to ensure fast, reliable and secure transmission of transaction data. Just like a traditional card swipe machine, it manages the routing of transactions, albeit in an online setting, with no software needed for installation and implementation.

Authorize.Net has helped more than 370,000 merchants securely accept payments, providing a reliable platform, scalability, and numerous value-adding services, offering a number of value-adding services to assist merchants in managing their businesses and protecting themselves from fraud. Merchants can also manage their transactions, configure account settings, view account statements, generate reports, among other tasks can be done using the platform.